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Modern Foreign languages - French

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.

- Flora Lewis

MFL Leader: Mrs Rehman


St Joseph's is an extremely rich, cultural environment with more than 40 different languages spoken. As a community, we value greatly our bilingual and trilingual learners and the richness of vocabulary and traditions which they bring. We seek for all learners to experience the fascination of learning another language and the opportunities that this brings for increased communication. Our chosen language is French which feeds into the children's language learning in their secondary schools.

How French is taught

Each class has Junior Jam sessions for a full term in KS2 every year. This is part of our PPA (teachers' planning and preparation time). Each unit lasts for four weeks and there is a knowledge mat for each unit. The teacher helps the children acquire new vocabulary through games and oracy activities. Initially, the emphasis is on speaking rather than writing French. 

How is French assessed

Each lesson, the Junior Jam instructor completes an assessment record which informs their planning for the next lesson. At the end of the unit, assessment information is shared with the class teacher in order to be included in the school's reporting to parents cycle. 

What you can do at home

Ask your child about their current topic in French. Can they remember any key vocabulary? You could go on BBC Bitesize Talking About Yourself - 1st level French - BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize and have a go at some of the activities on there.