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Pupil Behaviour

Behaviour and Consequences at our school: St. Joseph’s Bradford

These were discussed and decided by the Head Girl and Boy team and other Year 6 representatives. At times, an incident may need to be reviewed by the Head, Deputy Head or Assistant Headteacher.

In Early Years and Key Stage 1:




Parents informed.

Talk to child about why we don’t use bad language.

Senior leader to speak to the child depending on severity of language used.

Hurting other children on purpose/ Fighting including playfighting

Restorative practice conversation to establish what happened and who has been affected.

5 minutes in a reflection zone chosen by the adult.

In cases where a child has caused injury, marks to another child - Head/Deputy/Assistant Head must be informed.

Parents must be informed. This may lead to a more serious consequence depending on the circumstances.

Racist language

Restorative practice conversation with the child to establish why racism is serious and for the child who has received the racist comment to express how it has made them feel.

Internal exclusion for a session.

Parents informed.

In Key Stage 2:


Swearing/ Insulting comments about another child or their family

Parents informed.

Talk to child about why we don’t use bad language.

Reflection time - 10 minutes

Senior leader to speak to the child depending on severity of language used.

Hurting other children on purpose/ Fighting including playfighting

Restorative practice conversation to establish what happened and who has been affected.

10 minutes in a reflection zone chosen by the adult.

In cases where a child has caused injury, marks to another child- Head/ Deputy/ Assistant Head must be informed.

Fighting about football = 1 week football ban

Parents must be informed. This may lead to a more serious consequence depending on the circumstances.

Answering back/ refusing to cooperate with adults

5 minutes off break

If repeated- this accumulates.

If a child is missing 15 mins of break- must see Head, Deputy or Assistant Head.

Racist language

Restorative practice conversation with the child to establish why racism is serious and for the child who has received the racist comment to express how it has made them feel.

Internal exclusion for a half day.

Parents informed.