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Year 5 Pupil Chaplaincy Team

Our Chaplaincy team in Year 5 support the spiritual life of the school through leading and supporting worships. They take an active and regular role in whole school assemblies. Recently, they have led pupil worship in KS1. They are central to the planning of our whole school prayer themes.  Wearing their blue jumper shows that they have made a commitment to living like Jesus and helping other children to become closer to Him through prayer.

Interested in being part of the Pupil Chaplaincy team? 

To be part of the Pupil Chaplaincy team, you need to be in Year 5. Anyone in Year 5 can apply to be part of the Pupil Chaplaincy team as long as you are willing to make a real commitment to making the Catholic Life at St. Joseph's as rich and full as it possibly can be.

Being a part of the Pupil Chaplaincy team means that you will attend a prayer meeting once a week. In this meeting, you will talk about what you would like the school to pray for and how you think we can help other classes to have better pupil led worship sessions. Sometimes you will go into other classes to lead prayers. You might work with a group of younger children to help them plan a worship. Mrs Tolson or Mrs Westbrook might ask you to help them lead a whole school worship.

Being part of the Pupil Chaplaincy team is a very special job. Once you have shown you are serious about the job, you will be awarded a special jumper or cardigan which tells everyone you are a Pupil Chaplain. When other children see you wearing it, they will know that you are a special helper in our school community.

This is a very exciting next step for the prayer life at St. Joseph's. 

Mrs Gill is the Pupil Chaplaincy team Lead and meets with this group on a weekly basis.