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St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

I wish you a very warm welcome to our school.

At St. Joseph's, we aim to give your child every opportunity to succeed in every aspect of school life: we want them to make friends, to achieve their best academically and most importantly to develop their faith so that they have a life long understanding of the happiness and friendship that Jesus' teaching offers. Our school mission is to protect with love all of God's gifts. Each child comes to us with a unique set of gifts and talents. As a school, our job is to recognise and develop your child's talents so that they develop emotionally, academically and spiritually. This is a great responsibility: thank you for choosing St. Joseph's for your child.

We aim to deliver a rich and interesting curriculum which allows children to develop their curiosity and ability to study, learn more and remember more.  We want them to have opportunities at this school which provide them memorable and exciting experiences for life.

I look forward to working in partnership with you to strive for the very best for your child. 

Mrs Sarah Tolson