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Years 3 and 4


Key Stage 2 Reading and Spelling activities

Speed Read – Read a short piece of text quickly to your child. They must listen and recall 5 facts. They then can have a go at reading the text. You must then ask them questions about what has been read.

Colourful words – Spell words using one colour for the vowels and another colour for the consonants.

Hangman – Play hangman. This can be done using the spelling list from your child’s year group.

Crosswords/Word searches – Encourage your child to make up their own crossword puzzles or word searches to develop vocabulary and dictionary skills.

Headline game – Use stories to make up headlines and then vote for the best eg. Girl dressed in red, stalked by wolf (guess the story).

Anagrams – Play around with anagrams to help with patterns and spelling eg. make as many words as you can out of Constantinople.

MATHS activities

Shapes – You could go on a shape walk and see what shapes you can spot. Look at buildings to spot right angles and symmetrical shapes. Can they identify any irregular shapes by counting the number of sides?

Money – Children tend to love receiving and spending money. Encourage your child to recognise all coins and notes. Total and write amounts up to £10 using £ and p eg. £5.20 or 45p. Work out change that should be given. You may wish to give them a challenge of having a small budget which they must not go over.

Measures – Time –  If there are both traditional and digital clocks around the house, ask your child to practice reading the time in 5 minute intervals. Ask them to be ‘human alarm clocks’ and to let you know when the oven needs turning off at 20 past 5. You can encourage them to solve problems such as what time will ‘The One Show’ finish if it starts at 7:40 and lasts for 1/2 an hour?

Other Measures – Any form of cooking is a great way for your child to practise weighing and measuring in grams and kilograms. It is an excellent way to learn to read scales and measure things accurately including liquids in millilitres and litres.

year 3 year 4 statutory spellings.pdf


Useful websites:







www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z826n39 and www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zv7dcqt

